3.2 Contact Forms and Email Links
If you choose to contact us using the “Contact Us” contact form or an email link, none of the data you provide will be stored on this site or transferred or processed or processed by any third party data processing operator as defined in section 6.0. Instead, this data will be emailed to us via the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP). Our SMTP servers are protected by a TLS security protocol (sometimes known as SSL), which means that e-mail content is encrypted using 256-bit SHA-2 encryption before being sent over the Internet. The contents of the email are decrypted by our local computers and devices. In addition, our e-mail platform is hosted by Microsoft using Office 365, which is fully compatible with the GDPR.
3.3 Electronic newsletter
If you choose to participate in our email newsletter, the email address you submit to us will be forwarded to MailChimp which provides us with our email marketing services. We consider MailChimp to be a third party data processor (see section 6.0). The email address you submit will not be stored in the in-site database or in any of our computer systems.
Your email address will remain in the MailChimp Database for as long as we continue to use MailChimp’s email marketing services or until you explicitly request that it be removed from the list. You can do this using the delete link that contains all the email newsletters we send you.
If you are under 16, you MUST have your parents’ consent before subscribing to our email newsletter.
As long as your email address remains in your MailChimp database, you will receive periodic (approximately once a month) email updates from us.
4. How we store your personal information
As described in detail in section 3 above, some personal information will be stored in the database of this site. This data is stored under a pseudonym, that is, the data requires additional processing using a separately stored “key” before it can be used to identify an individual.
Nickname is a requirement of the GDPR and we have implemented it on this site.
5. About the server of this site
All web traffic (file transfer) between this site and your browser is encrypted and transferred over the HTTPS protocol. (SSL)
6. Our third party data processors
We use a number of third parties to process personal data about us. These two entities have been carefully selected and all comply with the legislation set out in Section 2. Both (2) of these entities are headquartered in the US and comply with the Interstate Agreement known as the EU-U.S Privacy Shield.
Google (Privacy Policy)
Mailchimp (Privacy Policy)
7. Data breaches
We will report any unlawful breach of this website or any third party data processing database to anyone directly concerned and to the authorities within 72 hours of the breach, provided that the personal data that is stored in a recognizable form, have been stolen.
8. Data controller
The webmaster of this site is: Vagelis Kappas – Athens
9. Changes to our privacy policy
This privacy policy may change from time to time in accordance with legislation or industry developments. We will not explicitly notify our customers or users of our website of these changes. Instead, we encourage you to periodically check this page for policy changes.